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Sizanani Mentorship Programme was launched in 2007 by Laurence Le Blanc from RATPDev, the French company which operates the Gautrain. Since then, the programme has been helping high school learners and tertiary students from Alexandra township in Johannesburg to succeed in their studies through the provision of mentors, career information, emotional support, training and university bursaries.


Who Are We?

Sizanani works in partnership with St. Mary’s School in Waverley (Johannesburg), which offers extra classes on Saturdays and holidays (Ikusasa Lethu programme) to 380 high school learners (grade 8 to 12) from Alexandra township. Most of them are girls. More than half of our learners pursue their education at tertiary level .


Mentors play a crucial role by inviting mentees to with outings (individual or collecting) and helping them to boost their self confidence and their motivation. Some mentors also help with tutoring and career information. In addition, Sizanani provide career guidance, life orientation workshops, emotional support and various trainings.


Funding of university students is also made available by our sponsors, as well as training programs for our alumni. All our activities are run with the support of volunteers, including more than 100 mentors per year (in majority, formely disadvantaged South African women, but also expatriates living in RSA), facilitators and our alumni.​


Our Funders and Partners

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Our Team


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The relationship is surely being established and they are slowly learning to open up to me which is great. Otherwise no complain so far - Abigail Runyowa, mentor. Joined 2024)

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“My mentees are certainly my strongest bond to South Africa. This, for sure, has been a great lesson for me: understanding others' perspective and focusing on small but consistent changes instead of big, ideal dreams” (Fernanda Mendoza, mentor since 2017)

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"Given is really great. My family and I really appreciate him. I find him on the right track and a lot of progress since 2023, which is nice to see. I sincerely hope he succeeds. He is now like a friend." (Pierre Costabel, mentor)

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"Having a mentor made a difference in my life. By guiding me with my education, supporting me through everything, by improving my confidence and self-esteem. She is my role model and my inspiration" (Keneuwe Molotsi, mentee)

Monique Adams

Sizanani Chairperson,

Career Wise Director


Monique Adams

Sizanani Chairperson,

Career Wise Director

Xolani Mashinini

Sizanani Deputy Chairperson, Mentor, 

Consultant at Deloitte

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Xolani Mashinini

Sizanani Deputy Chairperson, Mentor, 

Consultant at Deloitte

Mmapula is a diversified and seasoned leader with vast experience in the Public Sector, where she held various specialist and senior management roles. She worked largely in the Human Resources Departments, specialising in Employee Health and Wellness. She served as an Exco member of Human Resources Departments and an interim Departmental Head of HR. Mmapula is a Director and Founder of Peak Health & Wellness Solutions. She is also an Integral Coach and an iEQ9 Practitioner. 


Minenhle Ncube

Sizanani Treasurer, Mentor

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Minenhle Ncube

Sizanani Treasurer, Mentor













T: 083 7962 250

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Lorraine Maloka

Board Member, Mentor 

Nicole is a business owner, life coach and facilitator who is passionate about inspiring young individuals to reach their full potential and supporting growth to contribute towards job creation and entrepreneurial advancements. Her wide range of expertise and her extensive corporate experience spanning across 15 years in various sectors, allows her to contribute to the programme.


Yvonne Motsoko

Alumna, Mentor 

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Yvonne Motsoko

Alumna, Mentor 














T: 012 7732 654

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Phumzile Sithebe

Head of Ikusasa Lethu


St Mary's School, Waverley

Deputy Head of Pastoral Care & Diversity

isiZulu teacher 

Robyn Knowles is a counsellor by profession and also teaches English on the Ikusasa Lethu Programme. She runs a private practice in Fourways and runs group therapy sessions for abused women at shelters around Johannesburg. Robyn as been involved with Sizanani for the past two years and, together with her partner, is also a mentor on the programme.


T: 082 6524 118

Kimberly Mkhushulwa

Sizanani Manager

Sizanani Secretary

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Samantha is a Environmental and Climate Change Specialist with a deep appreciation and understanding of Environmental, Social and Cultural development related issues.  She  possesses a strong passion for empowering women and the youth.




T: 081 319 6532


Valérie Hirsch

Sizanani Director

Valérie Hirsch

Sizanani Director

I am a Belgian journalist, who has been living in Johannesburg since 1996. I am freelancing for various radios and newspapers from Belgium, France and Switzerland. I always wanted to contribute to social change. It took me ten years to find the right programme, Sizanani.  I have been involved in it, with passion, as a mentor (2007-2011) and as a manager from 2008.


T: 083 750 7725

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